
Tax on religious organisations

Meredith Doig / 06 April 2016

Australians are strongly opposed to the tax-exempt status of religious organisations.

Source: Tax on religious organisations

According to a poll of 1,038 respondents conducted by Essential Research between 30 March and 3 April 2016, a strong majority of Australians (64%) disapprove of the automatic tax exemptions given to churches and other religious organisations.

Nearly 60% of Greens voters “strongly disapprove” of religious organisations having tax-exempt status, while nearly 40% of Labor voters strongly disapprove.

But it’s not just the progressives who are against; conservatives don’t like it either.

More than a third of Liberal/National voters strongly disapprove of religious tax breaks.

And then there’s those who would vote “Other”. Over half of them (53%) are also strongly against.

There’s also a surprise in the small print. Nearly three quarters of older voters (aged 55+) disapprove.

The wisdom of experience!


All the more reason.