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RSA backs ‘transformative action’ to end violence against Australia’s women

Si Gladman / 05 September 2021

The Rationalist Society of Australia (RSA) has joined with more than 200 community organisations in calling for “transformative action” to improve the safety of women.

Ahead of the National Summit on Women’s Safety on Monday and Tuesday, the RSA added its name to the list of organisations behind an open letter and a list of 12 ‘calls for action’ sent to government ministers with responsibility for women’s safety.

The summit, which will be live-streamed, will bring together a range of experts and advocates as an important step in the development of a new national plan to end violence against women and children.

With the existing plan due to expire next year, the new plan will set the country’s direction and framework for the next 12 years.

RSA president Meredith Doig said she was hopeful the new national plan could make a significant impact.

“Women have a fundamental right to feel safe as we go about our daily lives in this nation. We still see far too much violence directed towards women. That’s why we’re proud to add our name to this effort to make transformative change in our society. Enough is enough,” she said.

Among the 12 ‘calls for action’ are for Australia to: build stronger foundations in our community to prevent violence before it starts; increase capacity across our communities to recognise and respond to early signs of abuse; increase and extend investment in specialist support services; increase and expand the focus on sexual violence; and expand research to build evidence-based services.

Si Gladman is Campaigns & Communications Coordinator at the Rationalist Society of Australia. You can contact him at or follow him on Twitter at @si_gladman

Image: Becca Tapert (Unsplash)

All the more reason.