

From the middle of 2013, quarterly newsletters were replaced with "RSADaily".

Subscribe by clicking on RSADaily above and looking for the blue "subscribe" button to the right of the page. This will deliver to your inbox each day a selection of up-to-the-minute articles about science and technology, philosophy, ethics and religion, law and politics, from Australia and around the world. Give it a go! You can always unsubscribe later ...
newsletter of March 2013

In this newsletter, Peter Ellerton and others focus on the critical role of critical thinking.
newsletter of December 2012

And here, a fascinating piece by a barrister on the establishment of the Royal Commission into Child Abuse - the lion lying down with the lamb?
newsletter of September 2012

In this newsletter, a range of stories: the Williams v Commonwealth High Court case regarding chaplains in government schools, the VCAT challenge to Special Religious Instruction in Victorian schools, and the welcome news that RU486 will finally be listed on the approved medicines.
newsletter of June 2012

Here, we report on the settlement of a major dispute with the RSA’s sibling organisation, the Rationalist Association Limited. And we feature a story by Chris Stedman, visiting Australia from the Harvard University Humanist Chaplaincy office.

All the more reason.