New Zealand end-of-life choice referendum

Meredith Doig / 04 August 2020

In September 2020, New Zealanders vote in a referendum to approve their End of Life Choice Act. As Australians, we must help ensure this referendum succeeds. If it fails, it would undermine the cause of similar reforms here in Australia. Voting is not compulsory in NZ and we need to make sure all Kiwi supporters of VAD have their say at the ballot box.

How can you help?

Are you a Kiwi living in Australia? New Zealanders living in Australia may be entitled to register as an overseas voter. Click here to find out more.

Do you have friends and family in NZ? Please get in touch with them and encourage them to get out and vote. Click here for information you could send them.

Could you make a financial contribution to help the NZ Yes CampaignThey are desperately short of money, so any amount will help their cause. Remember, we need this referendum to pass or it will be a big setback to the future passage of assisted dying laws in Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia and NSW.

The RSA has long campaigned for the right of control over one’s own body, free from religious interference when facing end-of-life. In all Australian States and Territories:

  • Advance Directives should be given legal force
  • Voluntary Assisted Dying should be legalised
  • Governments should fund non-religious palliative care at least in proportion to the proportion of people identifying as No Religion on the census (ie, around 30%).

All the more reason.