New push for Dying with Dignity

Meredith Doig / 17 June 2014

Peter Short is dying of a terrible form of cancer. And still, legislators in this country refuse to allow him to die the sort of death he wants.

We know the medical profession already practises voluntary euthanasia – just talk to anyone in your family who’s had an elderly relative in hospital at the end of their lives. It happens. Medicos know it’s the humane thing to do. But politicians are scared of a supposed backlash to bring this shadowy practice out into the open.

Greens Senator Richard Di Natale, a medico himself, will be introducing a private member’s bill on medically assisted dying into the Federal parliament and has asked Peter Short to accompany him there. Di Natale is working to get bipartisan support for the bill.

This may be the best chance for a long time to get the politicians to do the right thing and get this bill up.

It would make a real difference if there were as many signed up supporters as possible.

Please sign Peter’s petition here.

It is RSA policy to support the introduction of physician assisted dying – see our 10 Point Plan here.

All the more reason.