Help us fight for a genuinely secular Australia!

Now, more than ever, Australia needs public policy to be guided by evidence and reason. 

Policy that respects the freedom to practise one’s faith or belief, as long as doing so does not harm others.

Policy that supports the right to change one’s faith or leave it altogether, without the fear of persecution.

Policy that respects equality between religious and non-religious worldviews, so that adherents are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged.

Policy that ensures separation between the institutions of the state (education, healthcare, social services) and religious institutions.

By supporting the Rationalist Society of Australia, you will help us to …

  • conduct professional public education campaigns, raising awareness of what a genuinely secular Australia would look like
  • build a coalition of parliamentarians who will help us defend a genuinely secular Australia
  • enable us to support individuals harmed by religious privilege
  • spread the word via social media videos and posts.

Together, we can push back against the rising tide of illiberalism and bigotry. Please give as generously as you can.

Donate via PayPal

If you would prefer to donate via PayPal, you can do so here.

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Leave a bequest 

Why not leave a legacy through a bequest? Your support can help the fight for years to come.

If you would like to leave a bequest to the RSA, please use the following wording in your will:

“I bequeath [a specific amount OR a percentage] of my estate to the Rationalist Society of Australia Incorporated (ABN 41 853 904 693) for its general purposes, and this bequest will be free from all duties. The receipt of this bequest by any authorised officer of the Rationalist Society of Australia Incorporated shall form valid discharge to my executor.”

It would be helpful if you let us know your intent, so there can be no confusion. Simply email us at

All the more reason.