Do we need laws to protect religious freedom? 

Vicki Caulfield / 08 October 2018

From Radio National: Do we need new laws to protect religious freedom in Australia?

Source: The Roundtable – Sunday Extra – ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Following the national survey in which a majority of Australians said ‘yes’ to legalising same-sex marriage, the Coalition government establish a review, ‘to examine and report on whether Australian law adequately protects the human right to freedom of religion’.

The review panel handed their report to the government almost 6 months ago – on the 18th of May – and it is yet to be released.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he’s not delaying the release of the report, he says he’s working through the details with Attorney General Christian Porter. But he has flagged changes to the law, saying, ‘there’s nothing wrong with a bit of preventative regulation and legislation’, to ensure religious freedom in Australia.

Does Australia need new laws to protect religious freedom … and if so what would they say?


Iain Benson – Professor of Law at the School of Law, University of Notre Dame in Sydney.

Julian Burnside – Barrister in Victoria and human rights advocate; Ambassador for the National Secular Lobby.

Robyn Whitaker – Minister with the Uniting Church of Australia; Senior Lecturer in New Testament, at the Pilgrim Theological College, University of Divinity in Melbourne.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

All the more reason.