Other freethought organisations and sites

Other Australian freethought organisations

The RSA collaborates with other freethought organisations in Australia and New Zealand, including:

Humanists Australia

The Rationalist Association of NSW

Humanists Victoria

Sydney Atheists

Council of Australian Humanist Societies

National Secular Lobby

Queensland Parents for Secular State Schools

Go Gentle Australia

The Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster Australia

Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc

Fairness in Religions in School

Australian Skeptics

Victorian Association for Philosophy in Schools

Existentialist Society

New Zealand Association for Rationalists and Humanists

Freethought organisations in other countries

American Atheists

Atheist Alliance International

International Humanist and Ethical Union

Freethought publications

New Humanist

AlterNet magazine

The Secular Web



All the more reason.