RSA Board

The RSA is an association incorporated under the Victorian Associations Incorporation Reform Act.  It is managed by a board that meets every second month via Zoom.

The board has appointed two subcommittees.  The Finance Advisory Subcommittee monitors the Society’s income and expenditure and the performance of investments and recommends changes thought desirable to maintain a prudent investment strategy. The Editorial Subcommittee oversees the development and production of the Society’s publications.

Until the next AGM, the Committee is:


Vicki Caulfield

Originally from Melbourne, Vicki has lived in Western Australia for several decades. With qualifications in political science, public policy and project management, she has a long career working across government and the not-for-profit sector in education, employment, Aboriginal issues, the Arts, and nature conservation. A long time activist, Vicki provides the Board with a West coast perspective in the fight to strengthen secularism and combat religious privilege in public life.

Vice President

Professor Luke Beck

Luke is a leading constitutional law scholar in the field of separation of religion and government and religious freedom under the Australian Constitution. The principal focus of his research is on developing a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of section 116 of the Australian Constitution in terms of its history and underlying purposes, its relationship and interaction with broader Australian constitutional culture and how it might be best interpreted and applied.


Stella Thomas

Stella has a background in business management and administration with her family’s truck repair business. She recently completed an undergraduate degree in environmental sustainability. Stella is the South Australian contact for FIRIS (Fairness in Religion in Schools). Her journey with religion in schools began in 2005 when her own children were exposed to religious proselytising. She has been an indefatigable lobbyist for genuinely secular state schools ever since.

Executive Director and Secretary

Si Gladman

Si began working for the Rationalist Society of Australia as Campaigns & Communications Coordinator in early 2021, and more recently joined the board and became Executive Director in 2024. He has a history of working in journalism, editing, and marketing. He has a Master of Arts (International Affairs) with First-Class Honours from the Australian National University. Among his past roles, he worked as a Hansard reporter for a number of years in the federal parliament. Si is editor of the RSA’s Rationale magazine and host of The Secular Agenda podcast.

Board member

Arash Rashidian

Arash is a business advisor with 30 years of experience in various facets of business and engineering consulting. He has led or contributed to a portfolio of over 250 engagements in the private and public sector in Australia and internationally. His sector experience spans: utilities, infrastructure, government administration, not for profit, higher education, resources, financial services, telecommunications, defence and the oil and gas sector. Arash has an Honours degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, postgraduate diploma in Air Pollution Control from DeMontford University and an MBA from Cranfield School of Management – all in the UK.

Board member

Collin Acton OAM

Collin is the former Principal Chaplain and Director-General of Chaplaincy in the Royal Australian Navy. In 2020, he played a key role in bringing secular wellbeing officers into the Navy’s Chaplaincy Branch. Since then, Collin has been an enthusiastic advocate for making sure that the Australian Defence Force’s wellbeing services include secular support for the Army and Air Force as well. His efforts are all about enhancing support for everyone!

Board member

Victor Franco

Victor is the Deputy Mayor and a councillor at the City of Boroondara in Victoria. Following his election in 2020, he called for prayer rituals to be removed from the formal proceedings of council meetings. In late 2023, the council finally agreed. Prior to becoming a councillor, Victor had a long career in local and federal government. He was a senior advisor to various senators and a senior policy advisor in the Commonwealth government in the areas of industry, science and environment. He was also chief of staff and senior advisor to two Lord Mayors of Sydney, as well as a director and member of the Executive Committee at the City of Sydney. He was also head of Transport and Traffic at the City of Brisbane.


The Committee is ably supported by:

  • Brett Davis, Accountant (responsible to the Treasurer for financial book-keeping)
  • Melanie Fanor, Bookeeper.

Role and Responsibilities

Committee members are responsible for the good governance of the RSA and for promoting its aims and objectives through active campaigns.  Many campaigns are actively led by members of the Committee of Management.

Operational Responsibilities

  • lead at least two operational activities per year (eg, writing an article for the online journal, organising an event, writing a submission)
  • participate in campaigns run by other Committee members.

Administrative Responsibilities

  • attend all committee meetings or send an apology
  • read committee meeting papers; prepare comments and / or questions
  • follow up on tasks between meeting
  • monitor the RSA’s financial position
  • as part of succession planning, seek and recommend suitable candidates for the Committee
  • persuade people to join or renew their membership of the Society.

Desirable Attributes

  • knowledge of and enthusiasm for the free-thought movement and its issues
  • event management skills
  • submission writing skills
  • time to attend committee meetings and contribute to operational activities.