

RSA policies


The RSA bases its policies on universal human values, shared by most religious as well as non-religious people.  We believe in human dignity and respect in our treatment of one another. We support social co-operation within communities and political co-operation among

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What we do

What does the RSA do?

The Rationalist Society of Australia (RSA) is the oldest freethought group in Australia, promoting reason since 1906.  Our members and supporters hold that: All significant beliefs and actions should be based on reason and evidence. The natural world is the

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What is Rationalism?

What is Rationalism?

Rationalism grows out of a respected tradition of critical thinking that goes back to the ancient Greeks and which flourished as the Enlightenment, but is flexible enough to change in the light of new evidence and argument. It is an

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Who are Rationalists?

Who are Rationalists?

The RSA is privileged to have as its Patrons eminent persons who are distinguished leaders in Australian society and who embody a rationalist commitment to reason and evidence:   Michael Kirby AC CMG When he retired from the High Court

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RSA board

RSA Board The RSA is an association incorporated under the Victorian Associations Incorporation Reform Act.  It is managed by a board that meets every second month via Zoom. The board has appointed two subcommittees.  The Finance Advisory Subcommittee monitors the

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