Business of the Meeting
1) Formal matters
- Election of a chair
- Attendees and Apologies
- Proxies.
2) Minutes of the last AGM
Motion 2.1: That the Minutes of the 2021 AGM be accepted as a true record.
Moved: Seconded:
There is no formal business arising from the Minutes of the last AGM.
3) Reports
President’s report
Motion 3.1: That the President’s report be noted.
Moved: Seconded:
Treasurer’s report
Motion 3.2: That the Treasurer’s report be noted.
Moved: Seconded:
4) Election of a Committee
As per the RSA Rules, the committee of the RSA comprises at least five and not more than seven members (Rule 44).
Motion 4.1: That the following members be elected to the committee until the AGM of 2023.
- Luke Beck
- Chris Botha
- Vicki Caulfield
- Meredith Doig
- Arash Rashidian
- Stella Thomas
Moved: Seconded:
5) General business
a) Changes to the RSA rules (constitution)
Over the last 12 months, the RSA board commissioned MinterEllison Lawyers to advise on RSA achieving DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status. DGR status would allow donors to claim a tax deduction for certain donations to the RSA.
The advice was that, while it would not be possible for RSA as a whole, it would be possible if we set up a separate part of the organisation, devoted entirely to (social science) research.
This would entail RSA establishing a suitably qualified Research Committee, whose task would be to evaluate the merits of proposed research programs and monitor their progress and outcomes. Donations to the RSA for the purposes of such research would have to be directed to a separate ‘gift fund’, managed by the Research Committee and separately accounted for.
To enable this Research Committee to be established, Minters have recommended RSA Rules As Amended By Minters Oct 2022. The substantive changes are highlighted in yellow in the attached copy of the RSA Rules.
Motion 5.1
It is recommended that the RSA Rules be amended as indicated in the attached copy of the Rules. (Note that changes to the RSA Rules constitutes a Special Resolution and requires 75% approval).
Moved: Seconded:
b) Any other business
- Next meeting
The next AGM will be held between 1 July and 30 November 2023. The Committee of Management will decide the actual date and notify members at least 21 days prior.