
Join the Rationalist Society of Australia!

By becoming a member, you'll be helping us promote public policy based on evidence and reason, and political secularism. Choose from the options below.

Standard Membership

Here’s what’s included:

  • Free access to all articles (including member-only content) in our Rationale magazine.
  • RSA Weekly bulletins, plus member-only email alerts.
  • Special offers like discounted tickets for events.
  • A say in how the Rationalist Society of Australia is governed. 



Concession Membership

Here’s what’s included:

  • All the benefits of the Standard membership.
  • Available to younger people (aged < 18yo or in higher education) and older people (pensioners or Health Care card holders). 



Enduring Membership 

If you'd prefer to make a significant upfront contribution, consider purchasing a long-term membership, known as an Enduring Membership. The term of the membership is 20 years, with a cost of $1000. The category confers the same rights as the existing membership categories.

Note: Membership fees are non-refundable.


Can I pay by cheque?

Yes. Please post, along with your completed application form to The Secretary, PO Box 1312, Hawksburn 3142, Victoria.

Can I join by bank transfer?

Yes. Please complete an application form and send it to The Secretary, PO Box 1312, Hawksburn 3142, Victoria, and then transfer funds electronically to RSA Admin, BSB 313-140, Account 1200 2918, making sure you add your name as Reference, so we know where the funds are coming from.

Can I buy a membership as a gift for someone?

Yes. Please fill out our application form, ticking ‘Gift’, and post it with an accompanying cheque to The Secretary, PO Box 1312, Hawksburn 3142, Victoria.